We switched stores and...

We could not be


We switched stores!

Discover why over 2 Million monthly shoppers already made the switch! And it's that for decades we have bought the wrong products at the wrong stores...

Switching stores is simple and comes with several benefits; simply fill out the form and discover how we made the switch and discover our Freedom Buying Club.

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We are under the impression that having unlimited options when buying products at the big box store is a good thing, but... That is an illusion!

Fill out the form to be introduced to an "American Based Manufacturer," that is "Family Owned," with a track record of delivering wellness to the doors of families across the US for over 30 years.

Here is why you should join with over
2 million people who already made the switch!

Including healthier products even for our furry friends

Did you know that cancer and skin conditions in pets are often associated to the products we use to wash their beds and blankets? Just like us, switch to products that are safer for your family and your pets.

Buying your consumable products online is the new trend

If you're feeling worn out from trips to big box stores, why not switch to shopping online? You'll get to enjoy all the convenience and freedom of getting your consumables without ever having to leave the house!

This American company provides non-toxic products for every area of our homes and lives, and we invite you to join with over 2 million monthly shoppers who already switched stores.

These products are safer, more effective, with no safety caps and in many cases, more affordable. When you join the "Switch Stores Trend", you will have a positive impact on our communities and your family's wellbeing.

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